Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Grace turned 6 months today!

This week we received a welcome home letter for Grace from the government. They have received her immigrant visa packet and they will be notifying us in 30 days.
We also received 2 pictures of Grace with her foster mom from Holt. They were so cute. Grace sure has changed!

Scooter came home this past weekend! We are so happy that he is home! He came in a little tuxedo shirt with a top hat!

Today I had to take Grace to the doctor. She had her 6 month shots. It was hard for me but even harder for Grace. My mom came along for support. Actually my mom was holding my hand and I was holding Grace's hand as they gave her the shots. Grace also had a cold. Here is a picture of her with her 2 band-aids on both legs and cotton in both ears. (and no bow! Wow she must really be sick!)

Dr. Paul said that we should start to give Grace rice cereal. As you can tell by the picture she loved it!

This is a picture shortly after the cereal! One minute I heard her playing and then the next minute she was asleep! Wow that cereal really wore her out! I should have given it to her months ago! Ha-Ha!
That is all for now. I will write more soon!


Blogger Amanda DeGarmo said...

I'm glad that Scooter is back home and was all spiffed up at that ... I'm sure that he was anxious to meet his new sister ... It's nice to hear that everything is still going well ... not that I would expect anything less ... ;o) I hope that we can work out a get together some time soon ... take care ...

8:38 AM  

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