Thursday, January 03, 2008

Well we just got back from walking......funny funny funny
First of all it is very very cold. I know we both grew up in the north, but we have been down south too long. We can't handle the cold. We were bundled up from head to toe. I even had earmuffs on. We decided to go towards the agency to see just how far it is. We got about half the way to the office frozen to the bone and decided that we would get a cab to meet Connor. When we got back to the hotel after making a stop at Paris Bagette, 7-11 and a street vendor for an egg sandwich and some kind of fish stick we asked the front desk about getting a cab to Holt.

The young girl said "Do you know where it is?"

Krista "Yes, way down the road! And it is freezing"

Front desk "No, no you make a left out the door and it is just down the street on the right, really really close"

Krista looked at them puzzled.

So the girl asked her co-worker just to make sure. Yep "right down the street on the right"
As we walked away (smiling) I am sure I heard "Those lazy Americans."


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