Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Okay it is now 6:00am and we have been up for 1 hour......we're to excited to sleep. The countdown has begun and John is pacing!

I am on the guest house computer. It is very hard to use. The keyboard and the writing on the screen is all written in Korean. (I know that you really aren't interested in the just want the good stuff) Okay. You want to hear about my shower last night.....don't you? Well it was wet and I mean wet. I was wet, the door was wet, the toilet paper was wet, the toilet seat was wet.....etc. You get the picture, I'm sure. Everyday will get easier....until Grace gets here. I'm not sure how we are going to bathe her.

Last night we got into bed at about 12:00am and by 1:48am I was ready to get up. I think there was party below us. I actually got up and looked out in the hall, but I think we are above a bar that obviously didn't want to sleep.

Well I guess that is it for now. We will post after we see Grace. Thanks for all of the fun e-mails~!



Blogger pasjb said...

Oh we just keep checking to see what is up. It seems like only yesterday when we were waiting to meet Bridget for the first time. Makes me cry! What a wonderful feeling.
I thought the guest house would be quiet, now noise and a bad bathroom. All fun stories to share with Grace when she gets older.
My advice, no baths for Grace until you get home to BG.
Enjoy your time in Seoul. love ya
The Kniery's

5:27 PM  

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